Quote for Contemplation

The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work & prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks our wisdom, but trembles when we pray. -Samuel Chadwick

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Decisions, Divine timing & Discouragement

I really struggled for an apt title for this post. I didn't want to paint an all-roses atmosphere in following the Lords leading, but at the same time, don't want to empty the joy of obedience from decision making.....that being said let me speak to the last couple of weeks.....John has a hard job (reinforcing ironworker) which arguably is the most physically demanding work in construction. It takes a toll on his body. Enough said. We suspected at some point his work may have to change, but that raised a new set of questions; doing what? how? schooling? re-location? And, being a family of 6 on a single income how do we survive the transition? So we have talked and prayed off & on over the past few years looking mildly at various options, yet nothing presented itself clearly but more importantly we felt no leading from the Lord. Which in my mind says "stay put!"

Early December 2012 John had an MRI done on his knee. The results? Arthritis, a ruptured ACL, a miniscus that was mush, another headed towards mush & his tibia has shifted to compensate. We weren't altogether surprised, John has been this way since I've known him. We got a referral and the clogs are slowly turning to receive whatever treatment is necessary for his knee.

The last week of December  John & I were talking about a portion of a book I was reading on obedience to God. It was one of those really good, simple, sincere discussions that resulted in our genuine prayer for God's will in our lives & for direction. A good morning.

The next day (Dec 30th) was my side of the family's Christmas get-together. Anyhow, I was mentioning the MRI John had undergone & the forthcoming results to my uncle at Christmas and unbeknownst to me my mom overheard...

On Jan 2nd, the Lord awakened John up at early in the morning & impressed upon him to go for a walk with our dog, Grizwold.  During that walk John received clear direction that he should try to obtain his pilots license. It was also impressed upon him that he need not fear from perceived difficulties.

January 3rd, my mom calls. She said that she had overheard the conversation I had with my uncle & that her & my dad felt strongly that John needed a career change. And they would foot (some of) the bill. Wow! How's that for unexpected. We hadn't breathed a word to anyone about this. I told her about John looking at getting his private pilots license & the money was in our account the next day. Good timing as the next session of ground school offered at the Okotoks Air Ranch started Jan 8th -5 days later. His bosses had no problem with him no longer being available working Saturdays and were actually supportive of him. Amazing!

So now, here we are, January 13, 2013. What a crazy new year! I am starting to feel the extra work-load of him being gone & studying so much. We have discovered that pilots really don't make a lot (and by that I mean I we likely couldn't survive) for the first few years until you get on with a commercial airline. Or move up wayyy north. Both of which you need a commercial license for. ( = ++ $)

 So, not sure what the future holds or why we are being led this way. But we know He hold the future. And that is all that matters.

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